Can You Eat Canned Soup Cold?

Canned food is a standard survivalist food that has a long shelf-life and comes in a wide array of options. Although it’s not always the ideal option in terms of consistency and enjoyment, it’s usually safe to eat canned foods cold.

Can you heat canned food in the can? If you’re wondering whether you can consume canned soup cold, the answer is yes. All canned foods are pre-cooked before being packaged. The primary reason to heat up canned soup is to enhance its flavors and to help keep you warm when it’s cold. There’s nothing unhealthy about eating cold canned soup.

Can You Heat Canned Food In The Can?

canned soup campbells

During an emergency situation, the electric supply may be cut off. You won’t have the luxury of using a microwave to reheat your canned food. You might not even be able to use your gas stove if you need to be evacuated.

For this reason, you’ll need to reheat your canned soup over an open campfire. As much as possible, it’s recommended to transfer the soup to a cooking pot before heating. There are portable camping pots that are perfect for emergency situations. It’s ideal to use pots that are made of cast iron or stainless steel. Non-stick pots are more high maintenance and have higher chemical contents.

It’s not good to heat soup from the can itself. Most cans have plastic linings that protect the interior from corrosion. The lining can melt and will compromise the flavor and leech chemicals into the food.

About 10% of canned goods contain a chemical BPA in their lining. BPA is linked to brain development issues among kids. It can also cause cancer among adults. The only way to know if can doesn’t contain BPA is to lookup the manufacturer online, as it’s usually not stated on the can itself. If the canned food is lined with BPA, don’t heat it.

How To Cook In The Can

heat can

If you purchased BPA-free canned goods, you can heat them over open fires. First, remove the outer paper or plastic sticker that serves as the label. Next, poke some holes on the top lid of the can. You can use a knife or any other pointed object to do so. You may remove the entire lid if you wish, but the lid is useful for protecting the food from the ashes.

Slowly cook the canned soup by placing it on the outskirts of the flame. Let it bubble and boil for a few minutes. Serve and enjoy!

Is It Safe To Eat Directly From The Can?

eat in can

It’s safe to eat directly from the can because all canned foods are mandated to be fully cooked before getting packaged. You don’t have to worry about eating raw chunks. If the can is lined with plastic, you can still eat from it for as long as you’re careful enough to avoid scraping the lining and then accidentally ingesting it.

What To Pack For Emergencies

canned soup stack

Canned foods are the best choice for an emergency food supply due to their indefinite shelf-life. It’s better to go for canned foods that are in metal containers rather than home-canned food that’s in glass containers. Canned foods are also more resistant to damaging or bulging.

There’s a wide array of canned foods in the market. Some of the food that you should get include:

  • Meat
  • Meat products
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Soups, stews, and broths

How To Store Canned Foods

canned soup on shelf

Even if canned foods have an indefinite shelf-life, it’s still important to store them properly to ensure their longevity. Store the canned goods in a cool, clean, and dry area. The temperature must be below 85 degrees Fahrenheit but not freezing. Keep them unopened and away from direct sunlight

When shopping, select the canned soups that have the longest period before expiry. Inspect each can and make sure there are no dents or holes. These holes can become entry points for contaminants and can cause spoilage.

Keep the oldest cans in the front so that you can consume them immediately. Make sure to rotate your stash regularly. Replace everything at least once every twelve months to make sure you’re left with a fresh stock.

Chris Green

Chris has always had an adventurous soul, and his love for the outdoors eventually led him to become a professional life skills advisor. He explains a multitude of different topics ranging from disaster preparedness and wilderness survival to self-sufficiency.

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